"The songs first took shape against a backdrop of complete isolation: Aotearoa New Zealand’s Coromandel Peninsula, entirely deserted in the midst of Covid lockdown. Forced to stand still, the sisters examined various events unfolding in their lives, and began work on a set of songs tapping into a newfound sense of realism, skewed through a lens of soft fantasy."
Clementine Valentine, the Coromandel-based art-pop duo formerly known as Purple Pilgrims, share a new single ‘The Rope’ off their upcoming album, The Coin that Broke the Fountain Floor, out August 25th via Flying Nun Records. To celebrate the album's release, the duo will perform four intimate shows around the country this September as well as a show in August alongside Roy Montgomery for the Christchurch WORD festival. Following their previous album singles ‘Endless Night’ and ‘Time and Tide’, the new single ‘The Rope’ is a captivating siren song, that entices the listener, inviting them into a world of both safety and potential...
DARTZ, The Band from Wellington New Zealand, have dropped a brand new song — "a frantically fast-paced ode to deep meaningful conversations" — alongside a DIY lyric video.
Clementine Valentine, the Aotearoa/New Zealand art-pop duo formerly known as Purple Pilgrims, unveil their shimmering new single 'Endless Night' out via Flying Nun Records.