Man on The Verge of A Nervous Breakdown - by Roger Shepherd — Man on The Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

The Story Of The Stones' EP Another Disc Another Dollar, 1983

The Story Of The Stones' EP Another Disc Another Dollar, 1983

While it was easy to dismiss The Stones as rough and ready, they were a musical venture serious about developing their own style distinct from their Dunedin contemporaries. They had big musical ideas that didn't need too many details, they had the big personalities to make it work. And despite everything they had a strange kind of hypnotic star power.

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The Story Of Doug Hood | NZ Music | Flying Nun

The Story Of Doug Hood

"I first met Doug at an Enemy gig at the Old Beneficiaries Hall in Dunedin in 1978. Chris Knox abused me for wearing a skinny tie (I still have it, but that was the last time I wore it), but I felt his friend Doug, who was the singer in the support band, The Clean, was committing a far greater sartorially sin that evening by wearing a stripped, “Oxbridge” style blazer."

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The Story Of The Pin Group's Single 'Ambivalence', 1981

The Story Of The Pin Group's Single 'Ambivalence', 1981

Soon after telling a few friends that I was going to start up a record label, Roy Montgomery of The Pin Group approached me about releasing a single he planned to record. The Pin Group fitted the idea perfectly as they were a key band in our local Christchurch indie music scene that loosely orbited around the music venue that was - The Gladstone Hotel. 

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The Story Of Look Blue Go Purple's 1985 EP, "Bewitched"

The Story Of Look Blue Go Purple's 1985 EP, "Bewitched"

"The sophisticated sound is an ever shifting blend of gentle musical layers that flow and drift across each other in the most satisfying of ways. Tasteful, full of character and always assured."

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