The name says it all. Ballon D’essai or a “balloon trial”, which is a fancy French way of saying “floating an idea”. This is exactly what happened back in 1980 in Christchurch with a young band. Ballon D’essai were a beginner band of arty schoolboys taking up the music thing to see how it would fly and to where.
Graeme Downes seized the limitations of the three-piece, The Verlaines, and turned it all on its head. Wilfully complex - and at times awkward - this was music that Graeme Downes had the talent to create and the determination to make work. It started here with the release of ‘Death and the Maiden’.
The band were back with Flying Nun and no one there knew what was coming, apart from a few good but vague words from people in the know. When Skeptics III arrived back from the pressing plant, everyone knew from the opening bars of 'Affco' that this immense musical noise was something special.
"'Needles and Plastic' is a step up for Shayne Carter’s song writing. It has that persistent and relentless kind of drive that hypnotises and propels the listener all at the same time. John Collie's drumming has become fully integrated into the band's sound. The work on arrangements suggests increased maturity and ambition musically...."