Lily Paris West, Gussie Larkin and Abe Hollingsworth are Wellington, New Zealand, band Mermaidens. The band have released two albums, Perfect Body (2017) and Look Me In The Eye (2019).
Mermaidens are a powerful live band experience, having played festivals including Laneway, The Others Way and others. They even created their very own festival, Mermgrown - which took place in both Auckland and Wellington.
Mermaidens music is a coastal stroll along haunted shorelines, with reverb-washed guitars playing entangled riff-based melodies driven by Hollingsworth's fluid and dynamic percussion. Vocally, West and Larkin are dark and seductive, embracing warm harmonies and dreamy, hypnotic lyrics. The thoughtfully crafted songs will wash over you with a sense of sinister mystery and wander - dive in.