It has been forced into an agonising string of postponements, like many live events. Hopefully the wait is coming to an end with a new date and updated line-up announced
In July 2021 Flying Nun Records celebrated its 40th Anniversary at the Auckland Town Hall. In this third episode Fuzzy enjoys performances by Voom and Reb Fountain, as well as talking to various people attending the event.
This past Saturday we had the second Flying Nun 40th Birthday show at Wellington's Michael Fowler Centre. It was a huge night, with 8 bands and two stages. For this Second photo instalment we have Voom, Reb Fountain, Subliminals and The Chills. All photos by Bruce Mackay.
This past Saturday we celebrated our 40th Birthday at the Auckland Town Hall. It was a huge sold out night, with 12 different bands spread across three different stage areas. For this second instalment we have Reb Fountain, Voom and Superette. All photos by Dave Simpson.