Pell Mell

Drifting into the world of Flying Nun from the same galaxy as Labradford and Cul de Sac, Pell Mell arrive with Interstate - the fifth album in a fifteen year history of this highly individual collective and their first for the Geffen label (who licensed the record to Flying Nun) after leaving California indie, SST.
Pell Mell are 'individual' because they have patiently developed their own vision of instrumental rock. The four members of Pell Mell each live in different coastal U.S. cities. Consequently much of their initial composition and communication is made by post, e-mail or phone. The members then converge in one city, to record as a band. Pell Mell's recordings make full use of the extensive studio expertise of two of its members, Seattle-based producer Steve Fisk (Nirvana, Boss Hog, Beat Happening, Wedding Present etc...) and San Francisco-based producer Greg Freeman (Barbara Manning, SF Seals, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Royal Trux etc...)
Pell Mell have a post-rock, guitar-centric, instrumental sound design quality that's easy to immerse yourself in but difficult to categorise.
Guitars, organ and piano trade lyrical hooks within a hypnotic flow of rhythms. Drawing on influences as wide-ranging as Krautrock and Memphis Soul - sometimes within the same song - Pell Mell creates its own seductive language of sound.
Traditional rock dynamics combined with elegant drifiting soundscapes create a sense of continental expanse you'd expect from an album called Interstate.