The Sundae Painters are the creative collaboration between members of The Bats, The Clean, Tall Dwarfs & Toy Love. Beaming out mysterious sonic frequencies from a farm shed in the South Island, bandmates Kaye Woodward, Alec Bathgate, Paul Kean, and Hamish Kilgour's project documents the four-piece discovering themselves somewhere else musically.
Earlier this year, Jonathan Ganley released an excellent book of photos and stories from post-punk Auckland in the 80s, including some special Flying Nun moments. Callum Campbell spoke to him about his process and experiences behind the lens.
"He had strong anti-establishment sentiments and non-status quo views, sentiments and views that were usually spot on. I will fondly remember him as a kind of New Zealand beatnik, a confident and colourful personality whose life revolved around music and art."
Since it first arrived in the late-50s, the surf guitar sound has continued to re-emerge in each decade. Gareth Shute takes a short look back at the history of the style in New Zealand.