Hooray! We - Flying Nun Records - are opening a brand new record store in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland! Opposite St Kevin's Arcade - at 202 Karangahape Rd, central city. The shop will be open from 12pm-7pm this Saturday 23rd of September for our big opening party!The party will be downstairs in our large open basement/offices with live music from Voom,Vera EllenErny BelleClementine ValentineDJs and more artists to be announced.FREE ENTRY In addition there’ll be 25% off all Flying Nun merchandise, vinyl & CDs - for one day only and in store only!All welcome to come along, enjoy some performances from recent...
Beautiful Things is a wrap party for the end of our musical year, featuring a bunch of current Flying Nun artists, and a collection of our favourite artists that we've absolutely loved hearing from this year.
Ahead of the release of her forthcoming EP Break! due on October 14, Fazerdaze today announces two Aotearoa shows for November, performing at Wellington’s San Fran on Friday November 25, and Auckland’s Hollywood Avondale on Saturday November 26.