In this week's episode of Buttery Creeting Cake, James digs deep into his record collection - looking for his favourite five Flying Nun rarities. He also shares his views on expensive records, rare records, the "rarity market" and people bidding on Trade Me for crazy priced records. Watch the video below.
More about Buttery Creeting Cake:
"My name is James Buttery. I spend a lot of time in my record room. While in my record room, I spend a lot of time thinking about my record world.
In my record world, I spend more money than I have, filling up my record shelves." Is James a bit like you? Maybe. Luckily for us, James has some interesting stuff to say about records. That's why he made a youtube channel.
You can check out his channel - James Buttery - over here.
The other great thing about James and his online ramblings, is that he likes to give himself a few limits. For example, his Top Five favourite Flying Nun Records - recorded in five minutes. It’s all quite interesting. And educational. We like James' videos. So we asked him to make a few videos introducing us to some of his local music picks. You might not agree with him. But he makes a pretty good case.