Wellington's Cookie Brooklyn and the Crumbs have released a compilation of music spanning 6 years of fuzzy, guitar-laden, trippy tumble-jams. With members also involved in groups such as Marineville and Orchestra Of Spheres, the group has been working hard on their audio/visual creations for many years, expanding their sonic repertoire to no end. According to the band and UTR, "all of the songs were recorded in one day by Warwick Donald in Newtown, Wellington, with each track being one of a maximum of 3 takes, with the band playing live in a room."
They will be hosting an excellent presentations of these works at Pyramid Club this Saturday, where you can also purchase their LP (with cover designed by Luke Wood) plus drink mulled wine and eat soup. Or do you drink soup?
Check out their brand new video for their song 'POPO OD' below, too!
You find their brand new compilation on the Flying Nun Record Shop here - although...we reckon you should grab it at their Pyramid club show which you can find tickets for here.