With Bright November Morning out on 25th February, Don McGlashan's latest single, ‘All The Goodbyes In The World’, demanded its moment in the spotlight pre album release.
McGlashan says about the song, “A while back, I was working on a song with Luke Buda (Phoenix Foundation), and he showed up with a riff and chords that we both liked, but we didn’t end up using.
“Fast-forward a few months, and Luke gets in touch to say, ”That riff is still kicking around, why don’t you write some lyrics and a tune for it?” So I did. Lurking in one of my old journals was the idea of someone opening a cupboard, and coming across all the goodbyes in the world; suddenly that idea found a home.
“Left to my own devices, I might have gone for a minor-key setting - but Luke’s sunny riff and chords make the whole thing strangely cool. Don’t tell him I said that, though.“
Don McGlashan’s team have been working hard revising all of the current tour dates to assess what might be possible under the current Covid Protection Framework. Unfortunately but not unexpectedly, due to the latest outbreak of Covid-19 variant, Omicron, Don McGlashan’s album release tour has to be cancelled. Plans are afoot with new dates being worked on for the latter part of 2022. A Bright November Morning tour in November sounds romantic anyway right? All ticket holders will be emailed directions on how to receive their refunds.
Bright November Morning, is McGlashan’s fourth solo album, and is an essential addition to his remarkable output. It has all the glittering McGlashan touches in place: from the detail-perfect narratives of local life (the neighbours looking in when we take the curtains down, swimming and seeing Russian container ships on the horizon) to the strummy melodicism with detours into something noisier, and on to those welcome and welcoming choruses.
The new album was recorded in Lyttelton, Auckland and Vancouver, and full of inspired playing from Shayne P Carter (Straitjacket Fits, Dimmer), Chris O’Connor (SJD, Phoenix Foundation) and James Duncan (SJD, Dimmer), Bright November Morning marks a new stage in Don McGlashan’s generous and humane songbook.