You know those songs that just hit in all the right places and tickle a certain nostalgia deep inside? Well, that is what Shannon Matthew Vanya has delivered in his brand-spanking new single.
It Gets Better finely curates warm synth tones with crisp drums and groovy bass. The hook is an addictive loop and Lévyne's vocals are a complimentary addition. The video, which was directed by Ezra Simons, stars both Shannon and Lévyne as well as Alex Freer (A.C Freezy, Phoebe Rings) on drums, and Matt Clampitt (Merk) on bass, on the set of a vintage video shoot. The band catch their eyes with Lévyne's, who dances her way through the scene. And we don't blame her! At the end of a long week, this tune is a welcome bop, sure to push us over the hump and into the weekend.
Watch the video below. Made with the generous support of NZ On Air. Good stuff.